• [休假公告] 籌備東京紙博 2/26 - 3/20 期間暫停出貨,有急事聯絡可以透過 Line 或 IG 私訊喔!


NT$ 150.00


- 黑色、牛皮紙色、灰色,共三款一組

- 材質:劃刊紙

- 尺寸:A4, 29.7 cm × 21 cm

- 不含相框

黑色:Tears like preals.

牛皮紙色:I decided to take a break from my usual routine and go to a cafe that I never visited before.

灰色:Walking by the sea with my dog, I let the breeze inspire a song in my head. Clicking my camera as we go, memories flood back on the way home. Remember, tears are valuable, and hard work pays off like stars in the sky.


- 紙張易皺,請小心輕放,避免凹折毀損。

- 紙類商品請放置乾燥陰涼處,避免受潮發霉變形。